Love is in the Air

ShirleyIconLove.  It’s a word which has inspired hope in the hearts of young suitors, revenge for those spurred on by jealousy, and inspiration for many a poet.  I too have been thinking about the word as Valentine’s Day looms.  The things I love are family, friends, and my career as a teacher and writer.  The freshman composition course I am currently teaching deals with survival as seen in literature, and I am constantly gratified and motivated by my students when their “lights go on” and they comprehend the meaning of a metaphor, or make connections between the literature and their own lives.  Their responses and their questions  challenge me each day, and I love the challenge!

I recently was invited to the Blue Colt Book Store at Middlesex County College for a reading, discussion, and book signing of The Music Makers.  I enjoyed seeing friends, colleagues, and students, and was gratified by all your comments.

I am also happy to announce that my poem, “A Summer’s Evening” won the second place award for excellence in the Dream Quest Summer 2015 poetry contest.  Please check out my blog for further announcements on new publications and book events.  Till then, as we brace ourselves for the cold days ahead, let’s remember the immortal words of Percy Bysshe Shelley, “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”